
From basic lectures for beginners and students,
to online iPhone app development lectures
for professional developers

Lectures that help you to understand
basic skills and concepts through understanding
basic principles rather than memorization
majored in computer science,
9 years of experience in iOS development,
17 years of programming experience,
working as a multi-million dollar freelancer for large companies,
and teaching practical tips

What is programming!

Why everyone needs to learn to code


Steve Jobs

Co-founder and CEO of Apple
"Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.”

Barack Obama

The 44th President of the United States
"Don't just buy a new video game, make one. Don't just download the latest app, help design it. Don't just play on your phone, program it. No one's born a computer scientist, but with a little hard work, and some math and science, just about anyone can become one.”   

Mark Zuckerberg

Cofounder and CEO of Facebook
"If you are able to do the coding, you can make something out of your seat and nobody can stop you.”

Bill Gates

Founder of Microsoft
"Computer programming widens the scope of thinking, allows better thinking, and empowers you to think about new solutions to every problem, regardless of field.”

Sheryl Sandberg

Chief operating officer (COO) of Facebook
"Today, understanding computer science is essential. Our national competitiveness depends on how well we can teach children this."