[Beginning level 3] iPhone App Development (Swift4 & iOS11) – preparing

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iPhone App Development – Beginning level 3

Based on what you’ve learned over the years, We will learn how to use various basic controls provided by Xcode.



  • iMac, MacBook, Mac Mini with Mac OS (For reference, there is a Hackintosh (custom Mac), but it is not legal. Just as you should not install Windows through the dark path:) It is not installed on all computers and is only available to advanced users. More information available on Google and YouTube)
  • Can run apps through Xcode (free development tool) simulator without iPhone.


What will you get?

  • Mac basic usage tips
  • Programming concept
  • Computer science knowledge
  • How to use Xcode9 development tools
  • How to create a basic iPhone app
  • How to Use the Image, Label, and Text View Basic Controls
  • Install and run our app on iPhone (free)


Who this course is for

  • Students and beginners who want to experience programming through the Swift language
  • I want to make an app, but when I look at the book, it looks like a foreign language and it only helps to sleep:)
  • There are few people who only use your iPhone or MacBook for phone or Internet use…if you want to create one of my own great apps and put them in my phone:)
  • The person who was abandoned while he was self-taught
  • Planners, designers, managers, etc. Who needs basic knowledge of development


About the instructor

 아이폰 앱 개발 강사     Choi Wan-Take – iOS Programmer and Instructor

In the spring of 2001, he started his career as a military service special employee in East Soft and spent 15 years of programming experience until December 2016. He has been developing iOS apps for SK, Woori Bank, and LG Electronics for the past seven years. He has been living a freelance life with a billion annual salary for the last two years. In January of 2017, he established Happy Smile Corporation and lectured on iPhone app development on/offline and devoted to R & D on educational contents. 

Course Features

  • Lectures 3
  • Quizzes 0
  • Students 18
  • Assessments Yes
  • Swift grammar - Optional 0/3

    Learn about Swift grammar

    • Lecture1.1
      Concept of Optional Type
    • Lecture1.2
      Optional Binding
    • Lecture1.3
      Optional Chaining
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In the spring of 2001, he started his career as a military service special employee in East Soft and spent 15 years of programming experience until December 2016. He has been developing iOS apps for SK, Woori Bank and LG Electronics for the past seven years. I have been living a freelance life with a billion annual salary. In January of 2017, we established Happy Smile Corporation and lectured on iPhone app development on/offline and devoted to R & D on educational contents.


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